Artists - Explore New Sources of Revenue - NFTs

Artists work hard and in today’s music royalty landscape, the numbers are far too low in favor of the platforms to the artist’s detriment. How can artists combat this trend? Well, for starters, artists need to be be proactive and identify new sources of revenue and new ways to connect with fans. NFTs are a revolutionary new way to engage with fans, expand a fan-base, and generate additional revenue. NFTs are "non-fungible tokens,” which is an emerging type of blockchain technology that allows artists to create digital artwork and other collectibles that artists can sell to their fans and to collectors generally. For example, an artist may release a new single and then offer fans a personalized copy of cover art, a personalized shout-out, or a meet-and-greet. The possibilities are endless. In sum, NFTs are one way that artists can take advantage of emerging technologies to level the playing field in light of the low streaming payouts. Contact us with any question regarding NFTs and keep creating!